CAD Conversion Services

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Innovative CAD Conversion Services

At WorldTeams, we care about innovation by selecting the best talents who successfully convert ideas into reality, managing every tool and resource. Our team of meticulous professionals can utilize CAD (Computer-Aided Design) conversions and transform design drawings or documents from one format or software platform to another using computer software.

CAD Conversion Services

The need for CAD conversions can arise for several reasons:


Different professionals or teams may use different CAD software incompatible. Converting files allows these teams to collaborate and share design information seamlessly.

Legacy Data

Older projects might have been created using outdated CAD software, and converting these files to a more current format ensures they can be accessed and used with modern software.

Client Requirements

Clients may require design files in a specific CAD format that aligns with their internal processes or systems.

Specialized Tools

Some design tools are specialized for certain tasks, and CAD conversions allow data to be transferred between these tools for different stages of the design process.

Archival Purposes

Converting CAD files can be done for archival purposes, ensuring that design data remains accessible and usable over time.

Ensuring successful CAD Conversions

To ensure a successful CAD conversion, it’s essential to consider the following factors:

CAD Conversion Services

File Compatibility

Choose file formats widely supported by source and target CAD software.

Choose file formats widely supported by source and target CAD software.

CAD Conversion Services

Geometry Accuracy

Check that the converted design retains its accuracy, dimensions, and proportions.

Check that the converted design retains its accuracy, dimensions, and proportions.

Layers and Attributes

Ensure layers, line types, colors, and other attributes are maintained after conversion.

Ensure layers, line types, colors, and other attributes are maintained after conversion.

CAD Conversion Services

Text and Annotations

Verify that text, annotations, and labels are correctly converted and placed.

Verify that text, annotations, and labels are correctly converted and placed.

CAD Conversion Services

Symbol and Block Libraries

Confirm that symbols, blocks, and components are correctly converted and aligned.

Confirm that symbols, blocks, and components are correctly converted and aligned.

CAD Conversion Services

Quality Control

Thoroughly review the converted design to identify any discrepancies or errors introduced during the conversion process.

Thoroughly review the converted design to identify any discrepancies or errors introduced during the conversion process.

CAD conversions can be done manually, where designers or drafters recreate the design in the new software or through automated conversion tools that assist in translating files. The choice between these methods depends on project complexity, budget, and timeline.

Access the TOP 3% OF TALENT

Our professionals have experience working for the US, speak fluent English, and work in the same time zone. That’s why we offer flexible contracts, allowing you to decide how much and for how long you need their expertise. Every step of the design and construction process is crucial and influences decisions that will be made in subsequent phases.

Building Future, beyond frontiers.
In WorldTeams, weโ€™ve got the talent.

Why work with us?

Cost Effective

Hiring highly-skilled nearshore talent unlocks cost savings of 50% compared to US-based professionals

Flexible contracts

You can choose your type of contract: full, part or flex and switch between these options with no strings attached

HR department of your dreams

Our pre-screening ensures we present only motivated candidates aligned with your culture and an onboarding process in just 72 hours!

100% satisfaction guaranteed

If youโ€™re not satisfied, weโ€™ll give your money back – no questions asked

Hire quality professionals