As-built conversion from Scanning or Measurement

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Transforming Ideas through As-Built Conversions

At WorldTeams, weโ€™re your trusted partner in architectural innovation. Our expertise transforms concepts into tangible realities. Our services include as-built conversion from scanning or measurement creating precise digital representations of existing structures. We use advanced scanning tech to faithfully capture every detail, ensuring the essence of each structure is vividly brought to life.

As-built conversion from Scanning or Measurement

As-Built Conversion Process

Data Collection

Using scanning technologies such as laser scanners or photogrammetry, precise measurements, and data points are collected from the physical structure. This results in a point cloud or a set of images that capture the external and internal features of the building.

Using scanning technologies such as laser scanners or photogrammetry, precise measurements, and data points are collected from the physical structure. This results in a point cloud or a set of images that capture the external and internal features of the building.

Point Cloud Processing

The collected point cloud data is processed and transformed into a usable format. This often involves cleaning the data to remove noise, registering multiple scans together, and converting the points into a coherent 3D representation.

The collected point cloud data is processed and transformed into a usable format. This often involves cleaning the data to remove noise, registering multiple scans together, and converting the points into a coherent 3D representation.

Model Generation

A digital 3D model is created using specialized software based on the processed point cloud data. This model represents the as-built conditions of the structure, including its layout, surfaces, structural elements, and other details.

A digital 3D model is created using specialized software based on the processed point cloud data. This model represents the as-built conditions of the structure, including its layout, surfaces, structural elements, and other details.

Parametric Components

In addition to geometry, parametric information about materials, systems, and components can be added to the model. This information enhances the modelโ€™s design, analysis, and management utility.

In addition to geometry, parametric information about materials, systems, and components can be added to the model. This information enhances the modelโ€™s design, analysis, and management utility.


The as-built model is compared against the scanned data to ensure accuracy. Any discrepancies are addressed and corrected to create a precise digital representation of the existing structure.

The as-built model is compared against the scanned data to ensure accuracy. Any discrepancies are addressed and corrected to create a precise digital representation of the existing structure.


The as-built model can be integrated into existing Building Information Modeling (BIM) projects or design software to aid renovations, retrofits, clash detection, and other design processes.

The as-built model can be integrated into existing Building Information Modeling (BIM) projects or design software to aid renovations, retrofits, clash detection, and other design processes.

The Value of As-Built Conversion from Scanning or Measurement

Renovations and Retrofits

Accurate as-built models facilitate the design and planning of modifications to existing structures, ensuring new elements fit seamlessly.

Documentation and Preservation

Including written descriptions and specifications for materials, finishes, installation methods, and construction techniques. Specifications provide additional context and detail that the drawings may not fully cover.

Quality Control

As-built models help verify that construction was carried out as planned by comparing the actual structure against the design intent.

Facility Management

Digital as-built models provide facility managers with accurate information for maintenance, operations, and facility management tasks.

Clash Detection

When integrated with new design models, as-built models enable clash detection and resolution between existing and new elements.

Visualization and Communication

Digital as-built models offer clear visualizations for stakeholders, aiding communication and decision-making.

Access the TOP 3% OF TALENT

Our professionals have experience working for the US, speak fluent English, and work in the same time zone. That’s why we offer flexible contracts, allowing you to decide how much and for how long you need their expertise. Every step of the design and construction process is crucial and influences decisions that will be made in subsequent phases.

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In WorldTeams, weโ€™ve got the talent.

Why work with us?

Cost Effective

Hiring highly-skilled nearshore talent unlocks cost savings of 50% compared to US-based professionals

Flexible contracts

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HR department of your dreams

Our pre-screening ensures we present only motivated candidates aligned with your culture and an onboarding process in just 72 hours!

100% satisfaction guaranteed

If youโ€™re not satisfied, weโ€™ll give your money back – no questions asked

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